Newman's Pedigree

Whelped: 1/31/03     Six Males and Four Females


                                              SBIS Ch Chelsea Gold Rush of Keynote ROM

                                      Ch Bohem Circus Runaway

                                              Ch Bohem All About Eve    

                               Sire: Ch Summit Sorcerer's Apprentice 


                               Ch Rhode Paved With Gold

                                      Ch Summit Enchanted Evening

                                              Ch Summit Jasmine FCh ROM

 Ch Cove Creek's Dream Catcher

                                              Ch Rhode Paved With Gold

                                      SBIS Ch Chelsea Gold Rush of Keynote ROM

                                              Ch Chelsea One For The Road

 Dam: Ch DelCielo Constant Change                                     





                                      SBIS Ch Starline’s Reign On JC ROMX

                                      Ch Summit Heavenly ROM

                                              Ch Chelsea Jamaica in Autumn FC